2943 West 4th Ave. Vancouver, BC | Suite #5 & 6 - 3130 St. Johns St. Port Moody, B.C604-731-3616 (Kitsilano) | 604-461-8333 (Port Moody)



CAMBRA stands for CAries Management By Risk Assessment. It is a methodology based on managing caries (the disease) by finding the risk of contraction by an individual, and doing everything to lower that risk. With regards to Caries, we have available in our practices a technology called Cariscreen. This is a simple, fast and painless microbiological screening test. Disease management by risk assessment is not new in medicine, but not stressed much in dentistry. CAMBRA has just been integrated into the curriculum of all 13 western US dental schools.

The difference between CAMBRA and fillings is that one is the medical model to treat caries, versus the surgical model. CAMBRA is true prevention, compared to fillings, which will only fix the damage but not prevent you from getting more caries in the future.

If you would like to see if CAMBRA has a role to play in your overall oral health, please call us for an appointment.
